Our Journey
What started as a side project to help our birth country communities, matured into a call for duty we felt was the right thing to do. Today, we are taking that call and manifesting action that will benefit children around the world, focusing our efforts in education and health.
In October of 2018, our small team made a decision to help children living in poverty, suffering from poor health, or growing as orphans. Our motive was rooted in a foundation of giving and own experience. We started in Peru.

Our first project was self funded, worked with an all girls orphanage in Trujillo, Peru. We changed all their emergency lights.

Next, we participated in the kitchen remodel, donating stoves to replace the decaying units that were in place; this time with funding from friends and family.
After seeing the condition of their hardly used school computer room, we decided to give it an upgrade, a decision that would pay dividends in an upcoming, unexpected pandemic.

In February 2020 we performed our last project at a children's cancer center at Lima's National Hospital Eduardo Rebagliati. After meeting with the nurse in charge, she said: "if you want to help, bring something that can distract them from their current situation."
No pictures were allowed.
"Nothing will likely ever compare to the feelings and emotions we experienced this day" ~ Founders.
We supplied approximately 40 cancer and poverty stricken children with notebooks, coloring pencils, crayons, stickers, books, anything we could get our hands on.
For a moment they were distracted.
2020 COVID struck everyone - Peru Closed for Visitors
We decided to get organized and launch a non-profit project.
Dear Future was established and aims to focus on children's health and education.
Dear Future completed our first year in service, and included children in Peru and Uganda, Africa.